Ravnica Remastered 180 Set Cube
(180 Card Cube)
Ravnica Remastered 180 Set Cube
Art by Svetlin VelinovArt by Svetlin Velinov
180 Card Budget Set Cube6 followers
Designed by gcarechio
Mana Pool$62.33

This is a 180 cards set cube for Ravnica Remastered set.
The goal was to make a framework for creating a balanced draft environment reusing as many cards as possible from draft and sealed events.

The set is mostly composed by commons (120 cards) and aim to have all guilds represented in a balanced way.

The cube is to be drafted with a total of 20 9-card packs distributed among 4 players. It is possible to draft with only two or three players, but it might be harder to assemble strong guild oriented decks.

The packs are built to give players the same frequency of commons/uncommons/rares and distribute multicolored cards in a balanced way among them.

Each pack must contain:

  • Slot 1 - A random rare card
  • Slot 2 - A random uncommon multicolored card
  • Slot 3 - A random uncommon monocolored card
  • Slot 4-7 - A random common monocolored card
  • Slot 8 - A random signet or common multicolored card
  • Slot 9 - A random guildgate card (feel free to add shock lands if you own them)


  • wu Flyers Tempo
  • ub Control
  • br Sacrifice Aggro
  • rg Midrange/Aggro
  • gw Go-wide Tokens
  • wb Lifedrain Control
  • ur Spells
  • bg Graveyard
  • rw Aggro
  • gu Value & Counters

Please, let me know your thoughts about the cube and how can I improve it.
Good luck and good games!

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