The Desert Bird
(270 Card Cube)
The Desert Bird
Cube ID
Art by Drew TuckerArt by Drew Tucker
270 Card Premodern Cube2 followers
Designed by Alveric
Mana Pool$242.72

Seeing the echoing shape
of the mammoth that tore
through the brush here
and the dragon that roars now.

Old cards desert cube for two to four players. No searching; no shuffling; no tokens; no counters; no gods; no masters.

When drafted by four players, draft six packs of ten cards. The last two cards of each pack will be burned; if drafting with three players, only the last card is lost. With two players, a modified Housman is recommended in which all basics are removed from the 81 card pool that will be face-up drafted. Seed the players' starting pile of 45 cards with three of each basic. (Credit on drafting approaches goes to @LuckyLooter.)

The Desert Bird EP.

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