A cube inspired by the aesthetics of Bloomburrow and Lorwyn. Vibes, guidelines etc still very fluid, maybe it is somewhat "the opposite of a spooky cube". We will see!
Current thinking is that I will minimise the number of humans (ideally cut altogether but I don't want to be that restrictive yet).
"Whimsiness" will be determined by some sort of consideration of card art, card effect, the vibe (black is currently a bit tricky. Hard to find whimsy there, but I have some vague plans). Colourless/artifact creatures are proving interesting. The construct vibe doesn't feel particularly whimsical, so likely to be only a small number?
Current emerging themes:
Cast from exile
Heroic - Equipment and Spells?
Spells matter (I feel like that is basically a given in most cubes. I would like to find a thematic way to approach that)
Fliers - Maybe birds specifically?
It feels like creature types might be emerging too:
FROGS? I don't know that there will be enough decent options but I will try. So help me I will TRY!