WaWa's "Best of" Cube (Vintage+Power)

Cube ID
Art by Noah BradleyArt by Noah Bradley

360 Card Powered Vintage Cube

Designed by WaWaMasterRSSQR Code

View in Cube Map


This cube is intended to provide a variety of powerful draft decks for exciting games. This cube relies on proxies to ensure it can be assembled for around $200.


wu Flyers
bu Zombie
rg Dragons
wg Lifegain
wb Angels
rw Equipment
br Discard/Aggro
gb Mill/Reanimator
ru Spellslinger
gu Ramp/Control

Cube Highlights:

-Includes Mox artifacts
-8/9 "Power 9" Cards (Minus Time Walk)
-Complete set of Dual Lands and Fetchlands

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