Commander Cube 3.0 (640)
(640 Card Cube)
Commander Cube 3.0 (640)
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
640 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by wargunner
Mana Pool$5144.89

Hello, welcome to my Commander Cube.

I am in love with the Commander format and have been for nearly 15 years now. In pursuit of a new way to mix up Commander night other than continuing to add to my already extensive Commander deck collection, I wanted to design a casual cube using only cards printed in Commander products (precons, Commander Legends, etc.) or other multiplayer products (Conspiracy, Battlebond, Planechase) made by WOTC.

Below is a link to the cube card list on Moxfield which via Tags make the list a bit easier to digest.

The drafting rules for this cube follow the Commander Legends draft rules pretty closely.

  • 20 cards per pack
  • Pick two cards each pick before passing

The special rules for this cube are as follows:

  • Mono-colored Commanders are treated as though they have the Partner ability.
  • 2-color Commanders have are treated as though they have "Partner with mono-colored Commander."
  • After the draft each player is given a Command Tower that starts the game in play.
  • The Background ability has no effect.
  • Color identity rules apply to your deck based on your chosen Commander(s).

As I mentioned, this is a casual Commander Cube focused primarily on creatures and combat. There are no infinite combos as far as I am aware. The archetypes in the cube are as follows:

wu - Flyers - wu
wb - Life Gain - wb
wr - Equipment - wr
wg - Tokens - wg
ub - Artifacts - ub
ur - Spellslinger - ur
ug - High CMC Matters - ug
br - Group Slug - br
bg - Elves - bg
rg - Dragons - rg

The card categories break down roughly to:

  • 80 Commanders

    • Consisting of 8 Commanders for each archetype.
    • Each archetype gets:
      • 4 mono-colored Commanders (2 of each mono-color)
      • 3 two-colored Commanders
      • 1 three-colored Commander
  • 60 Gold cards

    • Consisting of 6 cards for each archetype.
  • 375 Mono-colored cards

    • Consisting of 75 cards of each mono-color.
      • 64 of these 75 provide 16 cards for each of the four (4) archetypes of that color. (For example, 68 mono-black cards in the cube: 16 wb, 16 ub, 16 br and 16 bg.)
      • 11 of these 75 are mono-colored format staples of that color.
  • 60 Artifacts

    • Consisting of 30 ramping Artifacts and 30 Artifact format staples/archetype support.
  • 70 Lands

    • Consisting of 35 color fixing lands and 25 utility lands.
  • 5 Conspiracy draft modifying cards

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