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(540 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Dan Murayama ScottArt by Dan Murayama Scott
540 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube1 follower
Designed by OrzhovScion94
Mana Pool$1078.06


Welcome to the Ex-Cube.

This cube consists only of cards that were at some point in my Regular cube (Vule's Cube).

This cube has been a pet project of mine for a very long, and I'm so excited that it is finally done.

Once I realized that so many cards were in my ex-cube box that I could make yet another cube out of them, I knew that one day I had to make my second cube.

This cube is in essence a nostalgia cube, that brings you Magic gameplay as it once was, slower pace, two-for-ones, and card advantage.

I hope you will enjoy it!


  • Even though there is no Thalia or Ragavan, there are still powerful Mono W and Mono R strategies.
  • UR plays around Kiki-Jiki-like combo or like UR spells or even UR control.
  • UW control is your classic draw-and-go control - enjoy drawing cards and gaining life with Sphinx's Revelation. There is also a strong UW blink theme.
  • Black in this cube is not a predominantly reanimator, it wants to play aristocrat theme, which can go in variants like WB or BG. B is an intense midrange color overall.
  • UB is also a form of draw-and-go control.
  • GR and UG are still ramps, but they are leading to a more aggressive strategy with GR having a lot of hasty and tramply creatures, while UG is more like - a ramp into spells -.
  • There are also all stars of previous cube iterations: Mono B and Mono U devotion decks.
  • You can combo with Melira, Sylvok Outcast + Murderous Redcap, Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai and gain infinite mana with Vizier of Remedies + Devoted Druid or Devoted Druid + Swift Reconfiguration

I hope you will enjoy it!



"old cube"

w aggro

r aggro

mono b devotion

Mono u devotion

wu control

wb aristocrats/tokens

wr tokens

wg aggro/tokens

ub control

ur spells

ug flash and Opposition

rg ramp and aggro

br midrange/aristocrats

bg aristocrats/graveyard

ubr control

  • Also, try out every tri-color combination, as there is enough fixing
  • This cube is Magic as it once was, two-for-one your opponents, and play the nostalgic and slower type of gameplay.
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