Small changes. Which should be the norm for this cube. It doesn't have a wide selection of cards available to it each set and of those, only so many will be impactful enough to warrant inclusion.
Rotting Rats ➡️ Deathless Pilot
Rotting Rats comes and goes from each of my cubes all of the time. It's hard to draft a deck that utilizes it well and makes its discard one sided. Deathless Pilot is a nice pick up for another Sanitarium Skeleton effect, but this time on a more reasonable body. I dislike the extra Vehicle/Mount text, but it is what it is.
Yavimaya Elder ➡️ Beastrider Vanguard
Yavimaya Elder is always just fine, but this cube doesn't often benefit from excess lands and mana. Which is something I'm trying to remedy with the inclusion of Beastrider Vanguard as a solid mana sink in the late game.
Cosmic Hunger ➡️ Run Over
This is almost purely cosmetic. I'm dropping a bite card that references Battles and including one with references to Vehicles/Mounts. Battles will never show up in this cube even if they become commons because of their counter tracking.