The Mirror Breaker
(737 Card Cube)
The Mirror Breaker
Art by akioArt by akio
737 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by andersleiten
Mana Pool$4837.48
Overview is in then making!
  • Type: Singleton Cube (singleton is broken for Prismatic Vista).
  • Special Rule: Marked cards in draft that can become
    your Deck's "Mirror", a card that can be included up to 3 times in a
    single deck. Read more about that in a dedicated section below.
  • Speed: Medium.
  • Identity: Very synergy-driven cube where buidaround strategies thrive.
  • Power Differential: Low-Medium.
  • Ideal Amount of Colors: 1-3. 4-5 colors are viable.
  • Fixing: Good.
  • Basics: Snow-covered basic lands.
  • Designed for: 6-12 players who love creative and challenging drafts with
    in a highly synergistic environment.
    Can also be drafted by 2-4 players with modes like "Houseman" or Grid

The Philosophy behind this Cube

Behind this cube is my big love for archetype/synergie-driven drafting portions and games.
It is just the thing I adore most about this game: being creative in a limited space and leading those creative decisions to great decks that play well, create novel gameplay experiences and share those with other people that are passionate about this game.
I'm a brew-head at heart and this cube is my master-brew.


Love for creativity in cube draft. Playing unassuming cards that together create insane power, when properly combined, gives me just another level of satisfaction as a player.

Since I started draft/limited in Magic, builarounds (cards like Griffin Aerie, Drake Haven, Harmonic Prodigy for example..) were the most exciting cards to me.
Building around these pieces and combining them in a powerful way to beat "good-stuff" cards is such a rewarding feeling.

Another big influence on this project is Ryan Saxe, with his "Buidaround Cube".
He is just a brilliant mind and his work inspired intense fine tuning of this cube, since I discovered his content.

Special Rule: The Mirrorbreaker

It is obvious that building around a single card gets a bit harder in a singleton format where you not always draw your buildaround pieces as easy. And here comes the special rule of this cube:

There are a list of handselected cards in each color column that are marked (with a symbol on the inner sleeve) and are drafted normally.
When building your deck, you get to add up to 3 copies of one of these so called "Mirrors" (marked cards) in your library.
The selected card is put into your command zone to signal to everyone that this is your Mirror-card.
When done, you draw 3 copies of your Mirror on a infinity-token with a sharpie & sleeve it up or you stick to a clone token to signal the card. Either way is pretty intuitive since you got your mirror-card always in the command zone if someone needs to read it. Voilá!

This rule leads to a very creative draft/deckbuilding portion, with almost infinite amount of possibilities, so drafters get to be as creative as they want!

Archetypes // Supported Decks

There are an almost infinite number of different decks & strategies.
Here i'll try to incapsulate some the most prominent ones: note that the most archetypes are not bound to certain colors, but are much more created by the drafter in individual terms, in the draft portion.

Artifact Aggro

Highly synergistic aggro deck, that will have a fast clock, efficient threats & great resource management.

  • Draft tips:

Draft the strong colorless cards like Arcbound Ravager first and look out for open lanes in colors.
Value cheap threats like Toolcraft Exemplar a lot.
Play 0-2 colors to max out efficency & speed.
Utility lands like Wasteland get very strong here.

  • Some great Mirror-cards:

Artifact Midrange

This is a very broad archetype and it exists across all the 5 colors.
The plan is: generate lots of value and bury the opponent in cards & gamepieces.

  • Draft tips:

You can end up in almost every color combination. Even 5 colors are very viable for this archetype.
Cheap interaction in form of removal or creatures is very important to survive early.
Later on, you need card advantage & board precence to take over.
As many cards in your deck as possiple should be artifacts.

  • Some great Mirror-cards:

Artifact Combo/Sacrifice

Full of glue and synergistic centerpieces.
This is for all the crazy tinkerers who love exploring new dimensions and breaking the boundaries of this cube.

  • Draft tips:

Don't hesitate to draft around certain key cards.
The most potent decks are the most synergistic.
Sacrifice themes, graveyard shenanigans - you can mix and match a lot.
Try to exploit recurring effects to create unstoppable loops: Jeskai Ascendancy+Emry, Lurker of the Loch+any zero mana egg like Mishra's Bauble is a good example.
Zero-mana-artifacts are often the glue that holds everything together.

  • Some great Mirror-cards

Counter Synergies

Counters everywhere. This archetype can be lived very deeply, or also be just a side-theme in your deck.
It is also one of the most combo-heavy decks in this environment.

  • Draft tips:

You can go pack1 pick1 Hardened Scales & go ham. But you can also just happen to pick up some strong, effective creatures like Walking Ballista or Luminarch Aspirant early and stumble later in pack 2 upon cards like Kurbis, Harvest Celebrant or Kodama of the West Tree to fortify the theme.
The best colors for this deck are wg.
Combos are : Scurry Oak with Rosie Cotton of South Lane or Ivy Lane Denizen

  • Some great Mirror-cards:


Call this the prowess/spell-matter deck.
It curves well, plays low to the ground and can ajusts its course/speed quite well.
It plays lots of spells, can play tempo, aggression, combo-heavy or go wide. It is a very flexible archetype

  • Draft tips:

A delicate balance between a good number of cheap spells & efficient creatures that benefit from those spells is very important and crucial to success.
You'll end up most of the time in a ur main & w often as splash.
This deck rewards good sequencing and offers a lot of agency but punishes your mistakes even more since it operates usually on tiny margins.

  • Some great Mirror-cards:

Big Spells Control

This is the bigger version of the above mentioned archetype.
The deck plays like a control deck, needs a bit of setup & time and finishes the opponent with overwhelming powerful endgame cards.

  • Draft tips:

Once you see your path going in this direction, focus heavly on cheap removal & good fixing since you'll need them to keep up with faster decks in the early stages of the game.
Try to trade as many 1for1 as possible early, to come out on top of your opponents in the lategame.
Splashes are very real here and often you'll splash for some bomb-type cards & finishers. urw and urb are the best color combinations for this deck. A very funny & creative way to build this deck is with Codie, Vociferous Codex as your mirror-card.

  • Some great Mirror-cards:

Spells Reanimator / Dream Halls

This is a very niche sub-archetype of the spell-dense decks.
It heavly relies on some single buildaround powerhouses like Dream Halls and Mizzix's Mastery.
Here is some great overlap with Magma Opus and Torrential Gearhulk as well. This deck can have a storm/control core and combine that with these cards to give is a pretty insane blowout finish.
It gets to "reanimate" also Cruel Ultimatum and Inspired Ultimatum with Mizzix's Mastery.

  • Draft tips:

The deck is alsways urX.
The most important pieces are Dream Halls and Mizzix's Mastery to start with and then you can pick up ultimatums & stuff.
The problem here is sometimes you got some uncatsable stuff in your hand early, or you are searching for specific cards to go off, so card filtering & rummaging effects like Faithless Looting and Frantic Search are very helpful to smooth out your draws and help to find the right pieces at the right time.

  • Some great Mirror-cards:


Storm is usually defined by broken cards such as tutors, free mana & gameending spells once they are on the stack with enough storm.
Since most of those elements are absent in this cube and the powerlevel is tamer, storm has to adapt in this evironment to shine.
The advantage here is for sure that you get access.............

White Wheenie
Lands midrange
Lands Combo
Hogaak & Friends
Life Matters
Aristocrats Sacrifice
Blink / Flicker
As Foretold x Suspend
Delirium Midrange
Glimpse of Tomorrow
Second Draw
Dark Depths into the North
5-color Dominion
Drafting Portion
General advice
Cube Goals

This cube is far from complete. I updated it quite a lot since its bith and nowadays it gets more pieces with every set coming out.

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