Every spoiler season, dozens of new woman appear on magic cards. As a deeply and giddily gay person, I find that many of these cards are cards that I develop an affection for, but an unable to actually fit into any of my other magic experiences from a gameplay perspective. This cube is intended to be a place for those cards to go. The card selection choices for this environment are thus heavily influenced by the cards that I am fond of, and the archetype choices are largely emergent from those decisions.
Gameplay and Power LevelThis cube offers a low power experience, somewhat similar to the power level of a masters set. Various synergistic strategies are supported in the different color combinations, but my goal is for those strategies to not appear so strongly in the draft that they railroad player decision-making. As is my fashion, I have avoided mechanics which I find grind the game to a halt, most notably heavily restricting the usage of lifelink.
RestrictionsWith few exceptions, all cards in this cube contain women as the most prominent figure in the art, largely restricting the cube to humanoid creatures (the most prominent exception being Ghalta, Primal Hunger, who is in fact canonically female). The power level of the cube also restricts many inclusions, as all of the cards exist in the same environment, and thus must be able to play well together.
Drafting MethodsAt 180 cards, this cube is intended to be drafted by four players following a 5x9 drafting pattern. Otherwise, no changes are made from a typical draft. Four player gameplay is encouraged (although not required), as this cube is intended as a lighter social experience.
Testing NotesThis cube is extremely new! Any and all constructive feedback is appreciated.
Gender PoliticsI am well aware of the troubled gender politics of the determination of characters in magic card art as girls or not girls. As an extremely gender non-conforming person, this environment's goal is not to police the category of woman but rather be a fun activity for me and my friends. If you find yourself excluded by the card choices given the context of the cube, I would love to hear from you! That is certainly never my goal.
AcknowledgmentsSpecial thanks to my friend Justin for helping me find any number of perfect inclusions for this environment, and my wonderful girlfriend @Cusea
for assisting in the design and playtesting of all my cube projects.
Think about this as like one of those inserts in a prerelease kit.
Faerie Tribal
Vampire Tribal
Self Mill
Casting Spells