The Ark
(364 Card Cube)
The Ark
Cube ID
Art by Drew TuckerArt by Drew Tucker
364 Card Unpowered Cube8 followers
Designed by Phantoom
Mana Pool$4089.21

A cube with two cards from every* set.

*set is not well defined it turns out so I make some judgement calls on sets where everything is just a fancy reprint like masterpiece of strixhaven spellbooks

Cube plays out as a fairly high powered synergy cube with aggro, midrange, and control.

I began playing magic during revised and have always been interested in the interplay between old cards and new. For a long time I scratched that itch through a vintage cube, but as I have aged I have become more interested in fair magic. This cube attempts to blend time periods while not breaking any cards or decks wide open.

Naturally, this cube tends to feature strategies that have long been supported by WoTC, as opposed to those only featured in a set or three.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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