The Mono Red Cube
(450 Card Cube)
The Mono Red Cube
Cube ID
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
450 Card Vintage Cube37 followers
Designed by Jeff1060
Mana Pool$3968.80

Welcome to The Mono Red Cube - the cube where Red Deck Always Wins!

In this environment, there are just red cards, artifacts and lands! The cube explores the depth of Red across the history of Magic -- you can play aggro, control, combo and everything in between with the best cards Red has to offer.

A team of dedicated cubeheads at The Mana Vault, an LGS in Milwaukee, helped shop owner Jeff Green design this cube through the beginning of 2024. Together we decided on a few defining features:

  1. Power Level: We use the most powerful cards in red. There are also many powerful artifacts and lands - some of which gain life and give slower control, ramp and reanimator decks the tools they need to prolong and win the game. We exclude the most broken artifact mana, but almost everything else is on the table. This all said, a strong card like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is less powerful in a cube of all red cards chock full of answers and counterplays.
  2. 450 Cards: Our primary goal is to create a balanced, replayable format showcasing many different red archetypes and cross-synergies. To achieve this, we've settled on a cube size of 450 cards. Combo players, draft with this in mind!
  3. Identity: It's red or bust here. We use no hybrid cost or cards of other colors that can be paid with Phyrexian mana.

The primary archetypes of the Mono Red Cube are as follows:


Exactly what you expect Burn to be: reducing your opponent's life total from 20 to 0 by throwing fire at their face!


Payoffs and cheap spells aplenty, Prowess decks have a bounty of tools in this cube

Go Wide

Generate loads of tokens and use them to finish off your opponent in quick order with a multitude of payoffs ...


Or just sacrifice those tokens for value!


It wouldn't be a red cube without loading up on the most iconic red creature type

Big Red

Make use of efficient removal and value creatures, then go over the top of your aggro opponents

Wildfire Control

Does Kai Budde's World Championship winning deck still have what it takes 25 years later? Let's find out! This cube has a few different Wildfire effects, plenty of artifact ramp and threats that survive the blaze.


We believe in giving the people what they want. Diehard storm drafters rejoice. Do the thing, if you so dare.


You'll see nearly all the welder effects here and many boom booms

Creatureless Control

Why bother winning the game when you can simply never lose?

Thank you to all our players who weighed in with suggestions for this cube and encouraged us! Including but not limited to:

Harry Dudek
Eric Evans
Sam Black
Shariq Moore
Alex Elendt

The Mono Red Cube will be featured at Bar-B-Cube 2024, The Mana Vault's 64-player cube draft event on June 15th! Learn more about the Bar-B-Cube and sign up here:

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