This is a Spooky Cube mainly taking from the Innistrad sets - Pick up the cards and ally yourself with vampires, werewolves, spirits, humans, or zombies, if you dare!
450 cards to support 10 drafters (3 packs of 15). There are 43 of each basic and one extra swamp - 666 cards total.
GW Humans and Angels
A good curve of cheap humans into flying angels will put pressure on the forces of evil!
Core: Champion of the Parish, Thalia's Lieutenant, Travel Preparations, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Hamlet Vanguard, Heron's Grace Champion, Sigarda, Champion of light
UW Spirits
With a couple spirit lords and tempo spells, you can take our your opponent before they can defend from your arial attack!
Core: Mausoleum Wanderer, Supreme Phantom, Drogskol Captain, Patrician Geist, Geistlight Snare, Skyclave Apparition, Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr
BR Madness Vampires
Fast Aggro - Turn your guys sideways, keep the pressure on with removal, and get value through madness and blood tokens!
Core: Stromkirk Noble, Voldaren Bloodcaster, Stromkirk Captain, Markov Baron, Rakish Heir, Anje, Maid of Dishonor, Olivia Voldaren
RG Werewolves
This is a midrange deck where you'll need to make the tough decision on when to take a turn off to flip your werewolves! To make things easier, you can play all the old Werewolves that say "At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform..." as if they have Daybound/Nightbound (, so everything always flips at the same time.
Core: Kessig Naturalist, Immerwolf, Huntmaster of the Fells, Geier Reach Bandit, Nightpack Ambusher, Ulrich of the Krallenhorde, Tovolar's Huntmaster
UB Self Mill Zombies
Mill yourself so you can get value off the corpses of the fallen!
Core: Gravecrawler, Bladestitched Skaab, Diregraf Captain, Ghoulraiser, Gisa and Geralf, Tomb Tyrant, Geralf's Masterpiece
UG Self Mill/Investigate
Mill yourself to put creatures in your graveyard and get value off investigate cards - The white splash for Merchant of Truth or Bygone Bishop is really good!
Core: Lonis, Cryptozoologist, Evidence Examiner, Vilespawn Spider, Lonis, Genetics Expert, Ulvenwald Mysteries, Tireless Tracker, Kessig Cagebreakers
BG Delirium/Spiders
Mill yourself for delirium and creatures in the graveyard - there are some great payoffs that allow you to take over the game with endless tokens! This deck can splash blue for other self mill and payoffs like Sidisi, Brood Tyrant as well!
Core: Stitcher's Supplier, Grim Flayer, Twitching Doll, Nighthowler, The Swarmweaver, Spider Spawning, Ishkanah, Grafwidow
UR Spells/Burning Vengeance
Pick up good UR removal and card advantage spells with flashback - You get great value off burning vengeance and instant/sorcery cast trigger payoffs!
Core: Snapcaster Mage, Thing in the Ice, Burning Vengeance, Pieces of the Puzzle, Docent of Perfection, Seize the Storm, Backdraft Hellkite
RW Aggro/Day into Night
Rally the Peasants doesn't care if you're attacking with a tribe - grab humans, werewolves, vampires, and spirits for a fast start, and pick up the cards that care about Day/Night for extra value!
Core: Mikaeus, the Lunarch, Lightning Mauler, Gavony Dawnguard, Sunrise Cavalier, Brutal Cathar, Sunstreak Phoenix, Volatile Arsonist
WB Human Sacrifice/Reanimator
Get incredible value off sacrificing your own humans and reanimate bombs like Griselbrand or Avacyn, Angel of Hope - splash red for Nahiri, The Harbinger, looting spells, and blood tokens to really fill up the graveyard!
Core: Fleshtaker, Priest of Forgotten Gods, Morbid Opportunist, Thraben Doomsayer, Jerren, Corrupted Bishop, Unburial Rites, Liesa, Forgotten Archangel