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Oathbreaker Spark Wars!
(521 Card Cube)
Oathbreaker Spark Wars!
Cube ID
Art by Wesley BurtArt by Wesley Burt
521 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by weirdcards
Mana Pool$5215.93

Recommended Cube Use--Three packs of 20 cards, pick 2 at a time; similar to Commander Legends-style drafting. A forty card deck will be made-- 2 of them Planeswalker (Oathbreaker) and a Signature Spell (Instant or Sorcery) will sit out in the Command Zone. ( for more information).

What you'll see--Lots of planeswalkers, lots of proliferate, lots of cards that care about these things!

What it feels like--Cozy, familiar and casual cube with lots of interaction and fairly quick games, generally 30-50 minutes per game.

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