Small Magic
(360 Card Cube)
Small Magic
Cube ID
Art by Christopher MoellerArt by Christopher Moeller
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube60 followers
Designed by nprez
Mana Pool$1773.36

Trying to imitate the curve and pacing of an eternal format like Modern or Legacy. Aiming for fast-paced, interactive games that progress towards finishing instead of stalling out. Decisions should be meaningful and high impact.

Games should be "small" in the Sam Black sense - game objects should be removed more often than they're created. Any repeatable source that makes the game larger should come with a cost or condition.

  • All cards must be available in a normal modern or m15 frame. No masterpieces etc.

  • All cards must be Magic IP. No Universes Beyond cards.

  • All cards must cost less than 5, unless there's a way to get a discount or an alternate mode that costs less.

  • Not including planeswalkers in order to avoid board stalls and runaway games.

  • Avoiding DFCs, split cards, and other similar layout changes for ease of drafting.

  • Cards should explain themselves. No minigame mechanics like monarch or dungeons that require a whole token to explain them.

  • No color hosing or overly narrow hate cards. Ideally all cards should be mainboard worthy in the right deck.

  • Cards are categorized into the color that wants them and the CMC a player wants to play them at.

Last Updated: FDN

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