Trying to imitate the curve and pacing of an eternal format like Modern or Legacy. Aiming for fast-paced, interactive games that progress towards finishing instead of stalling out. Decisions should be meaningful and high impact.
Games should be "small" in the Sam Black sense - game objects should be removed more often than they're created. Any repeatable source that makes the game larger should come with a cost or condition.
All cards must be available in a normal modern or m15 frame. No masterpieces etc.
All cards must be Magic IP. No Universes Beyond cards.
All cards must cost less than 5, unless there's a way to get a discount or an alternate mode that costs less.
Not including planeswalkers in order to avoid board stalls and runaway games.
Avoiding DFCs, split cards, and other similar layout changes for ease of drafting.
Cards should explain themselves. No minigame mechanics like monarch or dungeons that require a whole token to explain them.
No color hosing or overly narrow hate cards. Ideally all cards should be mainboard worthy in the right deck.
Cards are categorized into the color that wants them and the CMC a player wants to play them at.
Last Updated: FDN
Manually typing this one out because I forgot to generate it.
Cheeky House-Mouse > Basri, Tomorrow's Champion
Condemn > Helping Hand
Swift Reconfiguration > Recommission
Brazen Borrower > Ethereal Forager
Emperor of Bones > Kitesail Freebooter
Animate Dead > Intimidation Tactics
Evolved Sleeper > Dread Fugue
Ghostfire Slice > Demand Answers
Kellan, Planar Trailblazer > Greasewrench Goblin
Soul-Scar Mage > Hired Claw
Springheart Nantuko > Sylvan Advocate
Commune with the Gods > Dredger's Insight
Sensei's Divining Top > Marketback Walker