(360 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Tim JacobusArt by Tim Jacobus
360 Card Peasant Pauper Cube2 followers
Designed by Calamity
Mana Pool$120.89

Welcome to the Paupeasent cube! A combination of a pauper and peasant cube which aims to create simple, kitchen table magic games.

All mono-color cards must have been printed at common at some point in time. Legality does not matter!
Legendary creatures may be used but have been restricted to uncommon printings. These creatures aim to bring identity to the colors playstyles and archetypes.
Only multi-color cards printed at uncommon may be used.
Land rarity will be unrestricted to help facilitate better gameplay, but lands will be budget because I'm broke.

Azorius - Blink/Flyers/Tap Down
Dimir - Self Mill/Graveyard Payoffs
Rakdos - Aggro Aristocrats
Gruul - Power 4+
Selesnya - +1/+1 counters
Orzhov - Enchantress
Izzet - Spellslingers
Golgari - Mill/Graveyard Shenanigans
Boros - Aggro/Tokens
Simic - Big Mana

These archetypes serve as a general guide, as many cards overlap with other strategies. Go in with a plan in mind and I'm sure you can make it work! (At least I hope so lol)

Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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