Pauper Commander Cube
(480 Card Cube)
Pauper Commander Cube
Cube ID
Art by Livia PrimaArt by Livia Prima
480 Card Cube8 followers
Designed by tvavocado
Mana Pool$165.53
tvavocado's Pauper Commander Cube

About The Cube

Pauper Commander (or PDH) is a commander adjacent format which has been rising in popularity. Any uncommon creature (including non-legendary creatures) can be your commander, while the 99 is comprised entirely of common cards. The format has a lower life total than regular commander (30) and commander damage has also been adjusted to suit (16). The format promotes play patterns in which players are required to slowly accrue value and protect valuable engines in order to win games. This cube has been created in order to preserve those play patterns and translate them into a Commander Masters style limited environment.

Rules for Drafting
  • Packs are twenty cards including two uncommon commanders which are seeded into each pack.
  • Any mono-coloured uncommon creature is treated as if it has partner and can be paired with any other mono-coloured commander.
  • Uncommon creatures may only be played in the command zone not in the 99.
  • The Prismatic Piper is available if you do not draft a commander, or as a second commander with partner.
  • Deck size is sixty, including your commander/s.

Draft Archetypes
w-u Flicker w-u

Generate value by rebuying ETB effects!

u-b Control u-b

Control the pace of the game with grindy attrition and use your graveyard for value!

b-r Sacrifice b-r

Sac for value and finish your opponents off with consistent pings of damage!

r-g Stompy r-g

Ramp lands and beat face with big creatures!

w-g +1/+1 Counters w-g

Use +1/+1 counters to build up threats. Either voltron your commander, or build huge boards!

b-w Reanimator b-w

Recur creatures for value, or to cheat out huge threats!

b-g Graveyard Value b-g

Use the graveyard to grind out your opponents with overwhelming value!

g-u Ramp g-u

Fill the board with lands and slam down massive fatties!

r-u Spellslinger r-u

Pump your team with non-creature spells. Win with commander damage, or spellslinging creatures!

r-w Weenies r-w

Swarm the board and swing in with massive board states!

wubrg Random wubrg

Utilise these powerful commanders... if you can assemble the necessary mana.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

I've added Thunderhead Gunner to the cube! This card feels so good in the grindy draft games I've had in Aetherdrift, which sounds like the perfect card for this draft environment.

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