Anime O'Tekku Kamigawa Plus
(473 Card Cube)
Anime O'Tekku Kamigawa Plus
Cube ID
Art by Julian Kok Joon WenArt by Julian Kok Joon Wen
473 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by SixGear
Mana Pool$939.31

A budget cube that is played by the members of Anime O'Tekku, Georgia Tech's Anime Club. This cube seeks to showcase some of the best Japanese and anime art in MTG while remaining both legible and easy to play for novices.

  1. Replace Reanimator archetype with Aristocrats
  2. Art alters
  3. Change Simic to be Untap archetype
  4. Spirit, Dragon, Cat, Angel kindred support

wu Blink/Flicker
wr Historic
bu Thievery
bg Self Mill
rg Modified
ur Artifact Creatures
wb Reanimator/Aristocrats
br Artifact Sacrifice
wg Enchantments
ug Counters
wubrg Shrines

wu Blink/Flicker

Control the flow of the game and get additional value off of "enters the battlefield" type effects by blinking, flickering, and bouncing cards.

wr Historic

Assemble a legion of legendary creatures, equipment, and vehicles to overrun your opponent.

bu Thievery

Utilize rogues and ninjas to take advantage of strong rivals by using their weapons against themselves.

bg Self Mill

Gain resources by sending creatures to your graveyard and gaining value off their lost souls.

rg Modified

Modify your creatures with a variety of equipment, auras, and counters to overwhelm the board in value.

ur Artifact Creatures

Assemble an army of machines and rule the skies.

wb Reanimator

Resurrect powerful creatures from your graveyard.

br Artifact Sacrifice

Sacrifice artifacts to whittle your opponent down in a game of attrition.

wg Enchantments

Bestow enchantments and auras onto creatures and snowball in advantage.

ug Counters

Ramp and proliferate counters on the permanents you control.