Orange Synergy Cube
(460 Card Cube)
Orange Synergy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Pete VentersArt by Pete Venters
460 Card Vintage Cube8 followers
Designed by Orange
Mana Pool$1882.84

wug Blink wug
Go straight to Value-town by abusing powerful "Enter the battlefield" abilities over and over and over and over. Look for cards that exile/bring back and also creatures with strong enter the battlefield abilities.

wub Ninjas wub
Use cheap yet difficult to block creatures to open opportunities for your ninjas to sneak in. Control the opponent's board to make way for your attacks.

rub Discard rub
Throw away your hand over and over to gain access to powerful spells then refill your hand to do it again.

rwb Sacrifice rwb
Sacrifice your own creatures, bring them back from the graveyard, then sacrifice them again!

Note: Lurrus can NOT be played as a companion. It has to be used as a regular creature. The physical card has the companion text blacked out to avoid confusion.

rug Lands rug
Sacrifice and discard your lands then play them from the graveyard. Or be brave enough to branch into a 5 color deck.

ruw Artifacts / Spells ruw
Use instants, sorceries, and artifacts to create a powerful army and deal direct damage to your opponent.

bug Graveyard bug
Throw your deck straight into the graveyard and use that as your hand instead. If a card hasn't been exiled, you can find a way to get it back. Build up a deck that brings your creatures back, or one that focuses on spells, the graveyard strategies can expand to cover a lot in this cube.

My suggestions:
The archetypes are made to generally fit together, so feel free to mix and match. Ninjas and blink can work well together. Discard pairs well with graveyard strategies, etc.

Keep an eye out for these cards during the draft, they're objectively the most powerful cards here. If played well, they can turn games around by themselves. You don't need to immediately pick them, but if they're in your colors already, it's probably worth a second look during the draft. Some of these cards are unbeatable in value per mana spent, some are more complex but with amazing payoffs.

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