Nyx cube
(360 Card Cube)
Nyx cube
Cube ID
Art by Zack StellaArt by Zack Stella
360 Card Budget Set Cube0 followers
Designed by HumanPerson010
Mana Pool$139.41
Nyx Cube!

A cube for the Greek Mythology based plane of Theros! The cube supports a max of 8 players each with 3 packs of 15 cards. It only uses cards from the main Theros sets (Theros, Journey into nyx, Born of the gods and Theros: Beyond death.) +any cards depicting Theros in their art.

Made with a budget to make buying this a Searing Blood instead of a extinguish all hope to my wallet.


br: Aristocrats / Minotaurs.

rg: Satyrs / Aggro.

ub: Self Mill.

gw: Enchantress / Auras.

wb: Control.

wu: Heroic / Auras.

gu: +1/+1 counters.

ur: Spellslinger.

rw: Go wide aggro / Heroic.

bg: Self mill value.

Don't feel pushed to be exactly two colours tho, one or three colours can be viable, just harder to pull of.

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