Avery and Jake's Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Avery and Jake's Cube
Art by Jason ChanArt by Jason Chan
360 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by MrWiggles
Mana Pool$1803.05

UG - ramp
UR - spellz
UB - mill control / unblockables
UW - artifact tempo / skies
GR - beats
GB - self mill
GW - +1/+1
RB - sac / reanimate
RW - convoke / heroic
BW - aristocrats

Maybeboard Packages:
Gw - Food Combo (+ academy manufacturer)
BR - cat/oven, asmo/cookbook/ovalchase
UB - Changelings
UW - Blink / panharmonicon
Ux - Miracles
GR - Power Matters
U - Tinker
R (or B) - Wraths
B - devotion
UG - more ramp stuff
misc - rally, doom foretold, necrobloom (+need 1x other nine 3-color cards), jeskai ascendency

Cards on the way out (about 52):

Attentive sunscribe
vanguard of the rose
glorifier of suffering
kithkin billyrider
leonin lightbringer
vanish into eternity
adaptive gemguard

staunch crewmate
captain of umbar
pelargir survivor
waylaying pirates
hurl into history
complete the circuit
void squall

drainpipe vermin
sanitarium skeleton
tormented soul
typhoid rats
deathcap marionette
nezumi informant
cutthroat centurion
neromancers assistant
scrapwork rager
rat out

sunshot militia
brazen blademaster
karsus depthguard
oracle of bones
tyrant of discord
volcanic geyser
sunfire torch

basking capybara
blanchwood prowler
deadly recluse
leafcrown dryad
overgrown pest
mineshaft spider
pathfinding axejaw
timberland ancient
skarrg goliath
rangers guile
glowcap lantern
snake umbra

fanatic of xenagos
unflinching courage
woodland acolyte
herbology instructor

copper carapace
travelers amulet

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