Welcome to the Jungle Baby!
A mono green cube that plays as a multiplayer free for all as each player fights to become the king of the jungle.
A brief guide to the Jungle Cube. This cube grows like a weed, what first began as a small experiment has grown out of control! The mono green cube seeks to test the idea that green can be all things. To really help define the wedges in the cube I had to take away the one thing green does really well, which is ramp. By removing basic lands and most of the things that care about basic lands I discovered that green has some very interesting veins. Listed below are the major players in terms of synergies in this cube.
Main Synergies include:
Elves tribal
Animating Lands
+1/+1 counters
Token Critters
*Elf tribal is pretty self explanatory, do elf things
*Animating lands is a cool wedge to explore as green has a history of putting lands to work and the concentration in the cube really allows you to leverage using your hand to put out a forest to animate into something.
or animating and fighting your opponents lands as a way to attack their hand.
*+1/+1 counters and tokens again need no explanation but they work really well as the grease the bonds a lot of decks together, go big or go wide, or both.
*Fighting is greens form of removal and it is available in each of the different card types. Along side a death touch build and it doesn't matter how big their creature is.
There is a lot more going on than just those 5 things but they are what you are going to be doing most of the heavy lifting with. along the edges you will see a smattering of artifacts. I wanted to be careful here as this cube wants to be green centered. I did not want to give colorless too much attention but still felt that there was some great artifacts to choose from.
Minor synergies include:
key word matters, trample, deathtouch, etc.
graveyard recursion
*Enchantments are a close 6 for major synergies but I caution leaning to heavily on enchantments as this cube has a ton of ways of interreacting with them. Multiple enchantment board wipes exist to avoid anyone getting too smarmy with a stack of enchantments.
*Key word synergy and support. Keyword creatures like to hang out together and usually benefit from it in some way.
*Graveyard recursion is basically all the ways green can recycle things from the yard. which feeds back into you playing more good cards more often.
Pack structure
2 Legendary creatures
9 non-legendary creatures
1 Land
2 instants
2 sorceries
2 enchantments
2 PW/Artifact/Battle/
Cube rules:
Each Player will draft 3 packs of 20 cards
The deck building phase is skipped
Your deck consists of the number of cards you drafted
Decks cannot contain basic lands
starting life total: 40
When playing:
*All basic lands are forests
To play a basic Forest you may exile a card from your hand and put a basic Forest card into play from outside the game. Additional land plays act the same way.
*Some cards may require colored mana to activate. You can only get basic forests when you exile a card from your hand, so You must be able to produce those colors of mana a different way to use those abilities.