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Quest for the Mirari JumpCube
(88 Card Cube)
Quest for the Mirari JumpCube
Cube ID
Art by Donato GiancolaArt by Donato Giancola
88 Card Unpowered Battle Box Multiplayer Set Cube0 followers
Designed by thesigma
Mana Pool$80.80

The Quest for the Mirari Microcube is based on an article from Wizard's website about playing the story of the Odessey Block that appears to have long ago been purged. This is a multiplayer free for all cube for multiple players. Draft and build decks as for Jumpstart.

The gimick of this cube is that the Mirari/The Mirari Conjecture is always in play and winning while in possession of it is the goal. The last player starting in turn order starts with both in play. When a creature would deal damage to a player, they may forefit dealing that damage to instead steal both.

Winning while not having the Mirari in your possession yields 1 point. Winning with the Mirari in your possession yields 3 points. Most points after 3 rounds wins.

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