Grixis Microcube
(180 Card Cube)
Grixis Microcube
Art by IzzyArt by Izzy
180 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube2 followers
Designed by nprez
Mana Pool$701.31

Grixis microcube intended for grid drafting or 4 man drafts.

The Small Ball / Inside Baseball of Magic. Aiming for "small" games - game objects should be removed more often than they're created. The goal is to create exciting, interactive games. Games should progress towards finishing, not stalling. Decisions should be meaningful, not frequent and low impact. Losing a single creature should mean something.

  • All cards must be available in a modern or m15 frame. No invocations.

  • All cards must cost less than 5, unless there's a way to get a discount or an alternate mode that costs less.

  • No planeswalkers

  • Avoiding DFCs for ease of drafting.

  • No color hosing or overly narrow hate cards.

  • Cards are categorized into the color that wants them and the cmc a player wants to play them at.

Last Updated: MAT

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