Low Country Boil
(450 Card Cube)
Low Country Boil
Art by Steve PrescottArt by Steve Prescott
450 Card Cube17 followers
Designed by aibretty
Mana Pool$3431.69

What is Low Country Boil?

It is a Southern regional stew/boil of shrimp, potatoes, sausage, corn and seasonings (and whatever else you might think would party well with those things) that is meant to be poured out on a table and eaten communally. It is messy and fun and feeds the soul. It is thoughtfully-sourced great stuff heaped together and set loose to enjoy.

As a limited grinder, I very much value the story moments associated with modern paper retail limited. In this vein, I try to seed in small packages of cards that allow a drafter to "get there" if they recognize that a fun or "suboptimal" archetype is open in their seat despite the incredibly powerful eternally viable cards. I highly value sideboard tech as specific ways to answer some of the most powerful things happening in the environment. I feel like this leads to re-playability and big plays on the back of creative drafting and deck building.

The mana curve is very low with an average CMC of 2.37. Most decks will top out at 4 or 5 mana, but the answers and mechanics are set up to not allow for games to stall out. Most decks will have things to do on turn 1 and be able to play at instant speed. Stack interaction is also very common. Aggro, Control and Midrange are all present and supported, but you will not see any (or at least VERY little) combo potential. The closest thing to a combo is Doomsday + Thoracle or some shenanigans with Teferi and Displacer Kitten, but these strategies very rarely come together. One pet card you will always see in my cube is Song of Creation. You will have to be very creative to get it to work, but it ain't going nowhere.

I maintain this cube at 450 in order to accommodate many iterations of draft groups and to encourage frequent drafting. The environment should be easily draftable by 6 or 8 or 10 with no diminishment in the drafting and gameplay experience. My play group ranges from tournament grinders to folks relatively new to draft, but I would not consider this an introductory cube in that the overall power level is very high and includes many of the most efficient threats and answers in Magic.


And please send me feedback if you have it. I can be reached on Discord at aibretty#6627

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