The C Team
(480 Card Cube)
The C Team
Cube ID
Art by Mateus ManhaniniArt by Mateus Manhanini
480 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by LivingEnd
Mana Pool$2402.25

This cube is based on cards being a step down from the Legacy + IRL Cube (609471e62e6a60100c47e1cc). The lands in this cube were all aimed to be a step down in power level from the Legacy + IRL Cube. Choices to use the Karoo lands, pain lands, and slow lands instead of fetches, shocks, and duals were deliberate to make mana slightly more inconsistent and slower.

Some of the more unique archetypes you would expect to see in a regular draft of this cube are RB aristocrats, RG Monsters, and GW creature combo. Many of the archetypes in this cube were designed to be played in 2 or 3 color decks.

Goals of this Cube

  1. Make the GW was a color combo an archetype people wanted to draft and explore

I made this goal because when I was exploring common GW archetypes I ran into the same few things being done over and over Tokens, Humans, and Hate bears. None of these archetypes were powerful or exciting, No one would be drawing to play this color combination if it was this bland.

  1. Make sure some unique fun cards could have a home that wouldn't be possible in a higher power level cube

Some cards that I really wanted to see in my cube were Shorikai, Genesis Engine, Rabbit Battery, and Grafted Wargear which at the time were not cards I saw in the cubes I was frequently playing.

  1. Create a draft environment where 4/5 color piles are not able to succeed regularly.

When playing the Legacy + IRL Cube I saw multiple drafts where players made piles of "good cards" and turned them into a deck that had slight synergy at best, and that made we a bit sad. I really wanted to see decks with more synergy and more punishing restrictions for splashing 3rd or 4th colors into decks.

WU - control/draw
WB - taxes/aggro
WR - aggro/go wide
WG - combo
UB - top deck matters/control
UR - tempo/control
UG - big mana/self mill
BR - aristocrats/aggro
BG - graveyard synergy/delirium
RG - aggro/monsters

The infinite combo's to be aware of

  • Devoted Druid + Vizier of Remedies
  • Heliod, sub Crowned + Walking Balista
  • Renegade Rallier + Saffi Eriksdotter + Altar of Dementia/Basting Station
  • Spike Feeder + Archangel of Thune
  • Spike Feeder + Heliod, Sun-Crowned
  • Saffi Eriksdotter + Sun Titan + Blasting station/Altar of Dementia
  • Devoted Druid + Swift Reconfiguration
  • Archangel of Thune + Walking Ballista + Shadowspear
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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