The Land-Caster Cube
(745 Card Cube)
The Land-Caster Cube
Art by Mark PooleArt by Mark Poole
745 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube0 followers
Designed by GameKeeper

Shard Archetypes:
Bant - Snow & +1/+1 Counters
Esper - Mill & Life Gain
Grixis - Gates & Burn
Jund - Artifacts & Land Destruction
Naya - Deserts & Tokens (Go-Wide)

Allied Color Pair Archetypes:
Azorius - Land Animation & Control
Dimir - Mill
Gruul - Aggro (Stompy) & Land Destruction
Rakdos - Burn & Land Destruction
Selesnya - Tokens (Go-Tall)