KazeMon's Kaldheim vs Ikoria Cube
(720 Card Cube)
KazeMon's Kaldheim vs Ikoria Cube
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
720 Card Set Cube3 followers
Designed by ElKazeMonPlays
Mana Pool$2087.13

Kaldheim vs Ikoria Cube comes to existence when my collection of Kaldheim Showcase cards (Vikings) and Ikoria Showcase cards (Monsters) needed a home, and actually be used instead of staying in a binder.

The building of this cube has been made to add as most cards related to Vikings theme and many powerful cards that can be included in the Monsters theme flavor.

The story of the cube is that the omenpaths opened a rift that caused the creatures of Ikoria to invade Kaldheim, therefore everything (including the basic lands) is snowed or part of the Kaldheim Plane biome.

As you will see, the cube will have many flavor related cards, specially if it has Viking (kaldheim) lore in it.

Many of the off flavor, or Staple adds in the set are either functional or combo piece cards, which enable combos for cards and or balance a little bit of the power cards. (in example Thespian Stage is added to complement the Dark Depths combo or cards like negate are staple)


This cube will be used for the ElKazeMonPlays Berserker League and any more info or questions can be asked directly to me in any of my social media or live in Twitch.

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