Ivan_Draw_Go's Peasant Plus
(450 Card Cube)
Ivan_Draw_Go's Peasant Plus
Art by Nils HammArt by Nils Hamm
450 Card Peasant Cube9 followers
Designed by IvanDrawGo
Mana Pool$1388.68

Every card in the cube has been printed at common or uncommon with the exception of the rare lands. The goal here is to play interactive magic. There are NO infinite combos. This cube plays similarly to a normal draft set, without having to deal with unbeatable bomb rares. With shock lands, surveil lands and triomes all being fetchable, the mana becomes very smooth and allows you to get a little greedy with the cards you can play.

Fully Foiled Archetypes are as follows: Azorious Blink

Dimir Control

Rakdos Sacrifice (Mayhem Devil was too good)

Gruul Smash

Selesnya Tokens

Orzhov Aristocrats (tokens/sac)

Izzet Pyromancers/Spellcaster

Golgari Value/Midrange

Boros Aggro

Simic Value/Midrange

5 Color good stuff is real