Cloned from The Uncube
This cube is updated up to March of the Machines
The Uncube is Magic unlike how you've ever played it before. Or at least that's the goal.
Many silver-bordered acorn cubes are just about the weird shenanigans that go on in the Un-sets, and while we believe that's good as a core, our thought is that "The spirit of the Un-card" exists outside silver-bordered acorn world and lies within each set.
What we have therefor tried to present is a cube with both silver acorn and black bordered eternal cards, that are either unique mechanically or are entertainingly presented, all the while trying to still function as a cube that is fun to draft and play.
In order to make the play both functional and unique, we draft the cube with these guidelines and ideas:
High Complexity Warning: We use an extremely wide variety of mechanics from all across magic within the cube. Some of those mechanics are poorly explained or are just not explained at all on their card. To an enfranchised player, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. To a new player however, the vast variety of unique mechanics and odd phrasing will lead to confusion and burnout.
Multiplayer play: The cube is designed to be drafted by 4-8 people, who then break into one or two pods of 3-5 players. Each of those pods then plays a best-of-one game. Many of the cards selected would be terrible in one-on-one games, but in multi-player add a level of value and unique choices.
16-Card Packs: Between Contraptions and Attractions, there are a high number of cards necessary for draft archetypes. 16-Card packs help give these archetypes the room they need to exist.
Planechase: One card in the cube: Fractured Powerstone, has the potential to introduce Planechase cards into the game if Planeswalk is rolled on the planar die. If you do not want to run Planechase cards in your version of this cube, we recommend Ebony Fly as a replacement.
Additional Booster Packs: Three cards in the cube add additional packs to the draft and not all of them are handled exactly the same.
Booster Tutor & Stocking Tiger: For these cards we've assembled a secondary pool of 75 cards which are divided into 5 different packs, one of which is chosen for either of these effects. For an exact list of the secondary pool, a CubeCobra list of them can be found here:
Lore Seeker: For Lore Seeker specifically, we have a pack of 16 planeswalkers. this is the primary reason Planeswalkers are omitted from the main cubelist.
Custom Cards: Not every card in the cube is 100% made by WotC.
Fractured Powerstone - base Fractured Powerstone is full of problems. Needing to choose between mana and fun is not a fun choice, lets make them the same. A 1/6 chance to planeswalk to fun is too low a chance, 1/3 is still kinda low, but it's better.
Gigantiform - tutoring for spare copies of a card doesn't work in a singleton cube, but conjure solves that issue quite nicely.
Goblin Tutor - Wizards noted that the problem with dice rolling in its first outing was that it was far too variable, nobody wants to pay mana for no value. So lets make sure this is still kinda random, but lets take away the ability to miss completely.
Neuro, the Mastermind (represented as an island) - Recently, Mark Rosewater posted this on Blogatog: And that's good enough reason for me to add my own.
Parasitic Shapeless & Symbiotic Shapeless (represented as a Plains and a Swamp respectively) - The Changeling archetype does a bunch of heavy lifting for other archetypes in the cube, and it needed a hand to operate well itself, so I built these cards specifically to help out.
Sheep Cloning (represented in the list by Symbol Status) - A card designed for Unglued 2, a set that never saw print.
Steamflogger Temp - costing 6 was too much.
Steamflogger of the Month - Doubling your contraptions is winmore at any amount above 2 and not worth it at 1. Lets just always make it 2.
Suspicious Nanny - Contraptions needed a small buff and Reassembling Contraptions is stone useless in this cube, so I took a card that didn't do anything and turned it into a card that does some work.
Colorshifted Cards - The following cards have been colorshifted, but with no other alterations: Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher, Animate Object, Littjara Glade-Warden, Masked Vandal, Moritte of the Frost, Mothdust Changeling, Paradox Haze, Pippa, Duchess of Dice, Prize Wall, Sarevok's Tome, Stet, Draconic Proofreader, Syr Cadian, Knight Owl & Taurean Mauler
Individual descriptions have been given to each of those cards in their notes and custom images have been uploaded to show what these cards look like and what they do.