Innistrad Set Theme - Cubecon
(360 Card Cube)
Innistrad Set Theme - Cubecon
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee
360 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by madpiratetom
Mana Pool$391.71

A cube thematically based on the plane of Innistrad, primarily using cards from the main sets plus a few extras.

Custom Rule: All players get 2 copies of Evolving Wilds for their deck. Personally, I don't find drafting dual lands very fun and didn't want to have them take up space in the cube, so I have been using this method to good effect.

Draft Archetypes

uw: Spirits

ub: Zombies

br: Vampires

rg: Werewolves

gw: Humans

wb: Self-Sacrifice

bg: Graveyard Creatures

gu: Clues and Ramp

ur: Instants/Sorceries

rw: Spell Damage

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