Fourth Edition: Revised
(450 Card Cube)
Fourth Edition: Revised
Art by Douglas ShulerArt by Douglas Shuler
450 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by beatsandskies
Mana Pool$487.01

Inspired by a hypothetical “4th Edition Remastered” set. 8 person draft plus 25% for some variance. 1 “Rare”, 3 “Uncommons”, 10 “Commons” and 1 land per pack. Although probably having that seperation is a bit unnecessary? There is a specific focus on the big iconics: the idea is to smash Shivan Dragons and Sengir Vampires into each other. But would like to enable some other classic archetypes like stasis, turbofog, pestilence, ponza, ErnhamGeddon, etc if able too. Not making it too easy, but something which can be done if you’re clever/lucky enough.

Non singleton: have 5 of each the iconic creatures of each colour (Serra, ‘Dib, Sengir, Shivan, Force) and 2-3 things to build around and other staples.

Note: if (realistically when) I assemble this in paper I’d be taking an eraser to the Hymns and pain lands. Yes: I know there’s Anthologies and 5-7th edition versions of those but they have the tweaked Mirage card frame. White border for life.

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