This cube has been designed to be played amidst the UK premodern community at events and local get meetups. It is a mid power level cube and designed to be drafted for one on one play. It specifically excludes current premodern tier 1 meta strategies including builds like Goblins and Stiflenaught. It is focused on utilizing cards from the premodern meta that do not see play commonly in the constructed scene and designed to introduce new play patterns for those less familiar with the card pool as a whole. Games are moderately paced and includes all traditional cube strategies (Aggro, Control, Midrange, Combo) that can be built around. There are combos in the cube but instant win plays are not represented en masse.
This cube was commissioned to, and designed by, old frame cube architect @classicink.
Cube OverviewHere’s a breakdown of the color identities and archetypes:
White : Efficient creatures, enchantments, and token creation. The strategy revolves around creating and pumping tribal creatures and winning with big swings while keeping the board clear with spot removal and sweepers while you consistently rebuild your board state
Tribal Support: Shadow Creatures, Soldiers, Birds
Blue : Card draw, counterspells, and tempo plays. Cards like Upheaval allow you to keep the board in a neutral state and rebuild faster than your opponent while countering their big plays. Storm is present in this cube but in blue only.
Tribal Support: Evasion and Birds
Black : Discard, card draw, and reanimation. Black includes Necropotence for card draw shenanigans and is focused on making your opponent's game play uncomfortable....
Tribal Support: Horrible things, big and small!
Red : Aggressive creatures, burn spells, and land destruction. There are plenty of combos with green like the classic Channel + Fireball (effect) and Pandemonium + Saproling Burst.
Tribal Support: Aggression sans Goblins....
Green : Ramp, beatdown, and combat tricks. Survival of the Fittest and Pattern of Rebirth help get beaters out quick and Rancor helps take them over the top.
Tribal Support: Stompy Critters
White Weenie - AGGRO
Focus: Aggressive, low-cost creatures and disruptive spells.
Key Cards: Soltari Foot-Soldier, Mother of Runes, Swords to Plowshares
Blue Control - CONTROL/COMBO
Focus: Card advantage, counterspells, and tempo.
Key Cards: Counterspell, Frantic Search, Man-o'-War
Black Reanimator - MIDRANGE/COMBO
Focus: Discard outlets, reanimation spells, and powerful creatures.
Key Cards: Reanimate, Duress, Scion of Darkness
Red Burn - AGGRO
Focus: Direct damage and aggressive creatures.
Key Cards: Lightning Bolt, Fireblast, Balduvian Horde
Focus: Mana ramping, large creatures, and combat tricks.
Key Cards: Utopia Tree, Rancor, Aluren, Silvos, Rogue Elemental
White/Blue Control : Counterspells, tokens, and card advantage.
Key Cards: Absorb, Ordered Migration, Kjeldoran Outpost
Black/Red Aggro : Fast, aggressive creatures and disruption.
Key Cards: Carnophage, Terminate, Spinning Darkness
Green/White Go Wide : Flood the battlefield with token creatures and combat tricks.
Key Cards: Deranged Hermit, Armadillo Cloak, Glorious Anthem
Blue/Black Control : Hand disruption, counterspells, and card advantage.
Key Cards: Duress, Phyrexian Arena, Doomsday Specter
Red/Green Aggro : Efficient creatures and burn spells for a fast-paced game.
Key Cards: Grim Lavamancer, Fires of Yavimaya, Flametongue Kavu
White/Black Midrange : Disruption, efficient creatures, and life gain.
Key Cards: Vindicate, Gerrard's Verdict, Limited Resources
Blue/Red Tempo : Cheap spells and creatures to control the tempo of the game.
Key Cards: Firebolt, Quicksilver Dagger, Fire//Ice
Black/Green Recursion : Graveyard interactions and powerful creatures.
Key Cards: Pernicious Deed, Spiritmonger, Pattern of Rebirth
White/Red Aggro : Fast creatures and burn spells to overwhelm opponents.
Key Cards: Shock, Goblin Sharpshooter, Whipcorder
Blue/Green Ramp : Mana acceleration and big, powerful spells.
Key Cards: Palinchron, Aether Mutation, Treachery
Combo Support : Combos exist across all five colors.
Key Cards: Palinchron + Brain Freeze, Aluren + Cavern Harpy, Intruder Alarm + Portcullis, Survival of the Fittest + Recurring Nightmare, Forgotten Ancient + Triskelion, Donate + Illusions of Grandeur
Artifacts: Utility artifacts and mana rocks.
Key Cards: Mox Diamond, Mind Stone, Mirage Diamonds.
Lands: Includes iconic lands and dual lands to support multicolor decks. There are two sets of dual lands and allied + enemy fetch lands.
Key Cards: Wasteland, City of Brass, Gaea's Cradle, Fetchlands (Enemy + Allied)
The FGX London Premodern Cube provides a diverse and nostalgic drafting experience celebrating the best of Magic's early years. Whether you're reliving past glories or exploring this era for the first time, this cube offers a deep and engaging gameplay experience.