Eladamri's Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Eladamri's Cube
Art by Kev WalkerArt by Kev Walker
360 Card Cube0 followers
Mana Pool$14421.50

From the forests emerged two elven armies. Clad in armor and bearing fearsome spells, they were set on war, and war alone.

This is a 360 card cube dedicated to the elf archetype. Some simple rules were used during its construction.
-Green is the main color
-All monogreen creatures need to have 2 copies
-All colors act as support to Green
-No creature type may be used unless they are elves (Exception to this rule is if an elf creature would make a non elf token)
-No multicolor pairings that do not include green

With this basic guide, I sought to tell a story of elves battling elves, armies in league with some of the most fierce legendary elves in history.

Recs are always welcome, as time passes this project will grow and change!