Budget EDH cube
(600 Card Cube)
Budget EDH cube
Art by Luca ZontiniArt by Luca Zontini
600 Card Commander Multiplayer Budget Cube2 followers
Designed by Snowman
Mana Pool$801.98
Budget EDH cube

This cube was created in the late summer of 2024. It does include some more expensive cards I had lying around, but those are exceptions. The main philosophy of the cube is to support slower EDH games with an emphasis on combat and battlefield presence. Each colour pair has a clear theme but also includes a commander outside of that theme to embrace more nuanced drafting. To push the variability further, each colour has four partner commanders, each colour triplet has a build-around commander, and there are four 5-colour commanders to support varying playstyles.

Main philosophy
  • No player should snowball out of reach in the early turns. Thus the average mana value is quite high and fast mana is minimal. Ramp should be interactable, i.e. only selected land-ramp options.
  • One game should not take too long. Drafting is a time expense in itself, and shorter games are more easily accommodated.
  • Combat and board presence should be relevant. No instant win combos and the card pool is selected to emphasize combat while limiting board wipes.
  • Player choices should be present throughout the draft and game. This is a rather vague philosophy, but one concrete part of the idea is to prevent stalemates where no player can act.
Draft ruleset

Currently, the main ruleset is:

  • 4 packs of 18 cards
  • 2 picks per pack
  • 60 card decks
  • One free The Prismatic Piper for each player after draft
  • 30 life at the start
  • 16 commander damage is lethal
  • Normal colour identity rules apply

The main point of contention has been pack size and count. With 4-5 drafters, 4 packs of 18 has been a good place where pivoting and drafting 5-colour decks is possible, but being able to pick an open 2-colour lane is still powerful. These can be changed to accommodate a larger player count and varying levels of experience among players.


These are the main two-colour archetypes. In addition to these archetypes, each colour pair has one off-theme commander supported, each colour triplet has one build-around commander, and there are four five-color commanders.

Azorius Flicker (wu)

Dimir Evasive threats (ub)

Rakdos Sacrifice (br)

Gruul Stompy (rg)

Selesnya Enchantments (wg)

Orzhov Lifegain (wb)

Izzet Spellslinger (ur)

Golgari Graveyard (bg)

Boros Artifact aggro (wr)

Simic +1/+1 counters (ug)

Snowman posted to Budget EDH cube -
Year 2024 edits

The cube was spun up late summer this year. Since then there have been four drafts with 6, 4, 4, and 5 players respectively. Multiple matches were played after each draft, ranging from 3 player FFA to 5 player kingdom. Based on these experiences, the following edits will be made for 2025.

Balancing interaction

The amount of interaction was fine for white, black, and blue, but felt lacking in green and red. In addition to increasing red and green interaction spells, some blue and white spells were swapped for better and/or more interesting choices.

Hunter's Talent
Contest of Claws
Brotherhood's End
Mizzium Mortars
Lightning Bolt
Arcane Denial
Wash Out

Crawling Infestation
Acidic Slime
Defiler of Instinct
Visions of Phyrexia
Trash for Treasure
Commence the Endgame
Unexpectedly Absent

Induce combat

One main philosophy of this cube was to make combat relevant in EDH. After some deliberation, some cards were slotted in to further push players towards the red zone.

Eagle Vision
Brave the Sands
Always Watching

In the Trenches
Aerial Surveyor

Lifegain (wb)

The Orzhov colors main theme is lifegain. A pure lifegain deck was drafted once with large card pool, but it turned out much too slow to compete against other strategies. One of the lifegainy goodstuff Orzhov commanders was replaced by the new Eleneda, and two goodstuff white slots were replaced by two pridemate-esque creatures. This update will hopefully help lifegain strategies to have more presence on the battlefield.

Elenda, Saint of Dusk
Exemplar of Light
Essence Channeler

Liesa, Forgotten Archangel
Hanweir Militia Captain
Extraction Specialist

+1/+1 counters (ug)

The Simic commanders have not seen a single deck between them. It feels like the deck should be there, but just in case it was improved slightly more with one synergistic punch spell in Contest of Claws, and one more repeated source of counters.

Sylvan Scavenging


Spellslinger (ur)

This is probably the most hit-or-miss deck. It has been drafted couple times and it has fared well, but it seems to lack in finishers. Lightning Bolt was added as interaction and as a copyable spell to hit face. It will be closely monitored, since non-combat wins run against the main philosophy of the cube. Some changes to induce prowess-decks were included.

Balmor, Battlemage Captain
Stormchaser's Talent
Party Thrasher
Elemental Eruption

Mizzix of the Izmagnus
Aboleth Spawn
Wildfire Devils
Dire Fleet Daredevil

Graveyard (bg)

The deck has been fine, although it has been mainly led by Tasigur, the Golden Fang. This will also be monitored, as it should not always trump each Golgari commander. Some more self-mill was added.

Ripples of Undeath
Dread Summons

Curtain's Call
Reassembling Skeleton

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