Over the past year or more I have become disillusioned with the way Wizards of the Coast has been taking the game. The problems are many and I do not feel like getting into all of it right now, or ever really.
Further compounding issues is the Global Pandemic and also my continued disinterest in Magic the Gathering. I have been playing since 2003, with one real break of about 16 months in 2018-19. Magic will always be the best game I have ever played, and no, I will not be selling my collection or parting out my Cube.
Thank you everyone who has drafted my cube and all those out there that keep making awesome Cube content every day.
Description: Azorius excels in control and permission, with access to counterspells and board wipes. It's great at maintaining board presence and stalling the game. Flying is the standout incidental archetype that utilizes the abundance of White and Blue flying creatures to attack in the air. This may include using
Drake and
Spirit Tokens, buffs such as
Flowering of the White Tree and
Favorable Winds in order to have a massive evasive army.
Key cards: Favorable Winds,
Luminous Broodmoth,
Dream Trawler
Description: Gruul is all about ramping and big creatures. It can quickly deploy threats and has access to efficient beaters and mana acceleration. Using Green's access to Mana Dorks (
Llanowar Elves) to power out larger threats earlier and using the flexibility of Red Burn (
Arc Trail) to quickly pivot from offense to defense.
Key cards: Tectonic Giant,
Dragonlord Atarka
Description: Selesnya excels in token generation, go-wide strategies, and creature synergy. It can swarm the board with powerful creatures. Using the flexibility of both colors the resulting deck can be a well-rounded deck that can grind out incremental advantage or beat face.
Key cards: Eternal Witness,
Resolute Reinforcements,
Knight of Autumn
Description: Izzet focuses on spell synergies. It combines creature interactions with spellcasting for versatile strategies. Red has a multitude of cards that care about Instants/Sorceries, and Blue has an abundance of Instants/Sorceries for it to cast. Since this Cube does not play Planeswalkers the
Talrand, Sky Summoner's of the world become the new ways to take over the game.
Key cards: Young Pyromancer,
Murmuring Mystic,
Sprite Dragon
Description: Boros specializes in aggressive, creature-based strategies. It's known for efficient creatures, combat tricks, and quick damage output. No card is more genre defining than
Boros Charm. It is a Prowess enabler and a great for attacking. There are so many ways to draft from either: basically just drafting either hyper aggressive creatures that are real low to the ground, or drafting heavy one color and splashing the other.
Key cards: Monastery Mentor,
Heartfire Immolator,
Boros Charm
Description: Excels in ramping mana, card draw, counterspells, and creature versatility. Focuses on adapting to different game states, and offering an array of threats and answers for a well-rounded draft experience.
Key cards: Brazen Borrower,
Nightpack Ambusher,
Prophet of Kruphix
So what is left to do?