Out of the Dead Land
(547 Card Cube)
Out of the Dead Land
Cube ID
Art by Kev WalkerArt by Kev Walker
547 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by MJGrenier
Mana Pool$1648.11

“I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”

Out of the Dead Land is an attempt to push the Desert Cube genre to its conceptual limit and embrace the spiritual nature of the journey into the wasteland. It is a long, tortuous, lonely, and identity-obliterating meditation on mortality, during which you’ll see your death from miles away.

Like other desert cubes, you’ll only be allowed to play with the exact cards you pick during the draft, meaning there will be no access to a basic land pool from outside the draft. In addition to this limitation, land destruction is the primary mode of interaction: you will have your resources ripped out from under you. As such, during the draft, you’ll have to balance card quality in picks versus the integrity of your mana base. Creatures are rare, but can be powerful. The average game will last ten to twenty turns. Steel yourself for a test of endurance, and wander out into the heart of the light.

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