Duskmourn Cube
(393 Card Cube)
Duskmourn Cube
Cube ID
Art by Sean MurrayArt by Sean Murray
393 Card Set Cube5 followers
Mana Pool$156.11
Cube Structure

No Mythic Rares

2:1 Commons:Uncommons
shows off the set's range without being too repetitive

  • two of each common
  • one of each uncommon
  • one of each rare

reinforce set mechanics and the two-color archetypes

  • each color also gets an additional copy of four bonus commons
  • additional copy of each signpost uncommon

More Nonbasic Lands
enable flexible splashing and a more reliable curve

  • three of each common

Cogwork Librarian
draft's most essential card

Set Archetypes

wu EERIE TEMPO - enchantments & rooms
ub EERIE CONTROL - enchantments & rooms
rg DELIRIUM STOMPY - artifact & enchantment creatures
gw SURVIVAL - combat tricks
wb REANIMATOR - discard, mill, & flashback
bg DELIRIUM GRIND - artifact & enchantment creatures
rw AGGRO - power 2 or less
gu MANIFEST DREAD - flip facedown cards

Bonus Commons

based on 17lands analytics, popular opinion, and personal preference

White w Blue u Black b Red r Green g