Welcome to my premodern cube. The aim of the cube is to the greatest decks from the premodern era. When I compiled this list I took inspiration from many of the old world championship decks as well as the current premodern meta. To provide more consistency and level playing field, I've added cards that were printed before 2003 but aren't legal in the premodern format. Since this is a singleton cube, some decks would otherwise be too inconsistent.
Currently, I'm slowly upgrading cards in the cube. Getting original black border printings, (pre-2003 printed) foil or (pre-2003 printed) promo versions of cards. If you'd want to duplicate this cube a cool way to do so would be to get as many of the gold bordered world championship versions of the cards as possible. These are generally cheaper than the original printings.
Decks in the cube:

Opposition control
Look for control pieces and cheap creatures. Try to lock down your opponent's lands or creatures using Opposition and grind out the win.

Use enchantments to lock your opponent out (
Opalescence +
Parallax Wave). Beat down with beefy animated enchantments.

Look for discard outlets in

and reanimation spells in

. Reanimation targets can be outside these colors. Additional counters, draw, removal can be added to round out the deck.

Machine Head
Aggressively attack your opponent while denying them resources.

Midrange. Deny your opponents boardpresence by blowing up lands. Meanwhile beating them down with cheap (Threshold) creatures.

Ramp out midrange beaters and swing.

Go wide, overrun.

Deadguy Ale
Midrange. Cheap but powerful creatures, all the removal, hand attack. Grind your opponent down.

Burn control
Speaks for itself.

The Rock
The Rock (
Deranged Hermit) provides tokens. These can be used to control the board with The Undertaker (
Phyrexian Plaguelord) or beat down opponents. Reanimate is used to return the Rock and get more tokens.

Keep pressure on opponents using evasive creatures. Control the board with burn.

Le Wonder Goose
Get discard spells from

to enable madness, flashback and threshold. Value out opponents.
Suicide agro
More suicide agro
: Ramp
Notable card combos
Burn your opponent for 21.
Mill 21.
No more creatures for your opponents.
Eat your library, devourer gets huge, sac trigger on the stack, fling.
Eat your library, devourer gets huge, sac trigger on the stack, mill out.
Slowly deny your opponent more resources.
Get some plains, rack them for gas.
Infinite creature sac. Mill out your opponent.
Save your lands, blow up the rest.
Negate the downside of Masticore.
The maybe list:
Phyrexian Negator
Crypt Angel
Stitch Together
Zombify (if reanimate is too strong)
Mishra's Helix
Mirari's Wake
Trade Routes
Force of Will
Wild Dogs
Serra Avatar
Scoria Cat
Thornscape Battlemage