Disaster Movie Cube, CubeCon edition
(448 Card Cube)
Disaster Movie Cube, CubeCon edition
Cube ID
Art by Edgar Sánchez HidalgoArt by Edgar Sánchez Hidalgo
448 Card Cube13 followersDesigned by DarthPinkHippoRSSQR CodeView in Cube Map

Beware! Krakens rising from the deep! Massive robots laying waste to all in their path! The land itself rising up to swallow you whole! Rifts ripping holes between all time and space! The remnants of civilization piloting mechs as their last hope of survival! Welcome to the
Disaster Movie Cube!

This cube is inspired by the limited environments in Battle for Zendikar block, Ikoria, Neon Dynasty, and Brothers War to make a battle cruiser-y fight for resources and dominance central to gameplay. A major mechanical theme is expensive spells with much smaller alternative costs, so keep that in mind while building your curve.

bgu Sea Monsters
Sea Monsters is my favorite typal playstyle in Magic. Prioritize ramp cards and ways to cheat out your krakens, then smash face.

wub Esper Vehicles
Focus on building a card advantage engine around creatures with tap synergies or swarm your opponent with a horde of ships piloted by Survivors and tokens.

urw Time Counters
Manipulate counters to maximize speeding out or recasting your suspended cards and keep your vanishing creatures.

rgw Naya Artifact Creatures
Go both wide and tall to smash face with robots. This has some overlap with the Vehicle deck, so be prepared to fight for white artifact-matters cards.

brg Jund Lands
Combine hard to remove threats with the best kill spells and incidental value to Jund 'em out, manland-style.


While this cube firmly eschews spreadsheet aesthetics, the playable card count for each archetype is roughly equal. And while there is a dearth of black cards, their high pickability and pip-intensive mana costs are enough to warrant black's equal footing in the dual distribution.
DMC has a blend of shards and wedges that still has each color appearing in three archetypes. Each of the "allied" pairs (ub, wu, rw, rg, bg) have 2 fetches, 2 shocks, a surveil, a bounceland, and a manland. The other five pairs have a surveil land, a bounceland and a fetch.
For a good time text this guy for squid facts.
Originally cloned from Disaster Movie Cube

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