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Communal/Proxy Cube
Communal/Proxy Cube
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
480 Card Commander Cube1 followerDesigned by jakeaxleRSSQR CodeView in Cube Map

This is a 4-8 player (ideally 4), unseeded EDH cube. A mix of paper and proxy, it's drafted as 3 twenty card packs. During the draft, you take two cards per pick. Life total is set to 40 and deck size at 60. Most common draft archetypes are listed below.

Main/Secondary Draft Archetypes:
w-uAzorius: Blink
b-wOrzhov: Aristocrats
r-bRakdos: Group Slug
r-wBoros: Token Aggro
w-gSelesnya: Counters
r-gGruul: Beatdown
u-rIzzet: Spells
g-uSimic: Big Mana
b-gGolgari: Graveyard
u-bDimir: Control/Theft

House Rules:

  • All monocolored commanders have partner
  • Each player starts with two copies of prismatic piper
  • Each player starts with one copy of arcane signet and one copy of command tower

Potential House Rules:

  • No Color Identity
  • Each player starts with a copy of command sphere


Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0
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