Deckbuilder Cube
(3 Card Cube)
Deckbuilder Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
3 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Zerdan
Mana Pool$15.95

How would be a ‘Magic the Gathering: Deck building game’?

My inspiration here is stuff like Dominion, Dale of Merchants, and other deckbuilding board games.

How I see it, to have a ‘fleeting’ mana source depending on your draw, instead of lands you would have 0 mana instants that read: Add W or U to your mana pool. Or same on other colors.

Rules would be something like at end phase, discard your hand and draw 5 new cards. People wont lose from milling.

To go with usual 10 card starting deck I’d say 1 Instant for each allied color, and 5 cards that just give 1 colorless.

This mana will be both used to buy cards, and to cast them once you have them in your hand. There should be a separate pile where you can buy better resources so you can more flexibly buy cards to play.

I think the cards that people can play should be a battlebox style pile, where 5 cards are displayed at anytime for person on turn to buy cards.

This pile should have some cards that exile a card from your hand (a way to get rid of bad cards in your deck) draw cards, and to deal damage, I quess the most magic thing would be to have creatures here

To be honest I’d like it to be varied from agro to bombs, but usually in this kind of game treats don’t stick around, so Artifacts, Enchantments that tap would be more natural than creatures

Start deck:


Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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