Cloned from Tymen's Synergy Cube
Tymen's Synergy Cube
This Cube aims to provide a lean limited environment. Many cheap spells and a high density of fixing (15% of Cube is lands) ensure many game actions and interesting decisions. The goal is to create an environment where drafting and deckbuilding are important, as the power of decks is derived from the synergy between cards. There are no one-card wincons in the Cube (like Hexdrinker, Gideon Ally of Zendikar), so drafters will have to draft a deck rather than indvidually good cards.
The classic archetypes of aggro and control (and midrange where those two meet) hopefully exist, despite the synergistic nature of the Cube. There are some overarching themes that tie into one another, while not providing on-rails drafting
When drafting ask yourself the question: how can I make this card reach its full potential?
There's probably stuff I'm forgetting or haven't come up with, but seeing drafters find new archetypes/decks is what this Cube aims to do!