Big Spender PowerMax MC
(81 Card Cube)
Big Spender PowerMax MC
Art by Evyn FongArt by Evyn Fong
81 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Zerdan
Mana Pool$3729.75

Cloned from Big Spender Micro Cube

This is a personal version cutting some cards I dont have and replacing them with something similar

Rules and How to Draft
  • This is not a standard draft.
  • You can't add basic lands.
  • You play all the cards you draft.
  • There is no deck building phase.
  • There is no deck limit.
  • you don't pay for spells you cast.
  • This is designed for 2-4 people in a multiplayer game.

Each player starts the draft with 50 treasure tokens in the form of coins.
Packs are drafted face up and are shared.
There are up to 9 packs of 9.
In turn order, players may spend treasures equal to a cards mana cost to buy cards out of the pack.

Players may choose to pass their pick.
If noone else wants to buy any cards then the pack is discarded and replaced with a new pack. The player to the left then first picks that pack.

Players may choose to tap out of the draft. When a player taps out they can't buy anymore cards. If all players tap out, the draft ends.
Players then shuffle up the cards that they drafted and start with their treasure tokens on the board.

Cube goals

This is desert cube pushed to it's limit. Players should feel challenged to make the most out of the mana they have. 50 sounds like a lot of treasures, until you realize that cards are just innately less efficient here. A big mechanical feature here are the level-up cards. Innately, that means that removal must be very difficult to resolve.
This should feel very interaction driven to protect the few creatures you have. Games are also innately shorter since you start with the treasures you didn't spend. This should lead to interesting turn 1s.
Instead of drafting lands, players pay for rocks and dorks. A lot of pressure should be through effects like goad, theft, and combat tricks.

Some Strategies

Aggro is a pronounced strategy here. Buying a few good creatures then dumping a bunch of treasures into their levels ups early can be a good way to get a strong position.

Bhaal is a fast pace frail set up where you get bhaal's invoker 7 other cards for interaction/mana and try to close the game immediately. However, It relies heavily on bhaal resolving and resolving to win.

Elixir loop is where you throw in a pile of mana so you can continuously loop your deck and gain 5 life. If you establish enough pieces it's very hard to shut down directly. If you can stick something like sorcerer class and some cantrips you can easily storm off.

Co curator: irreleverant

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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