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Most Fun Limited Archtypes of All-Time
(360 Card Cube)
Most Fun Limited Archtypes of All-Time
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube6 followers
Designed by OneArseneWenger
Mana Pool$773.26

A Cube that is trying to mesh together all the most fun archetypes; in limited form!

Reads at first like a curated chaos draft, but savvy drafters will recognize cards and combinations from across limited formats in magic's history, just with new card faces in old archetypes and mechanics. There is some spice thrown in to favor magic players with knowledge of niche limited interactions/mechanics, obscure rules, and some intriguing A+B combos. Those that have grinded it out in limited formats across the years will know some of these, and will have an edge when participating in the cube. Unlike some cubes, some of these mechanics are parasitic (read: only plays well with some other cards), meaning you will be rewarded more than usual for recognizing open lanes during the draft and playing what comes to you.

The archetypes supported are as follows:
w-b Orzhov- Legends + Aristocrats

White and Black has a mix of Aristocrats and Legends, with Legends having some overlap with blue, and with Aristocrats having some overlap with red. The Legends themselves are already good, so this tends to be like WB goodstuff with some powerful legends and some legends support thrown in. There is some human tribal stuff here, which tends to overlap well with the legends.

w-u Azorious- Blink + Fliers

White and Blue use your classic limited archetype trappings to create an interesting mix of cheap fliers and some powerful ETBs for some great blink synergy. Done well, the fliers end the game quickly off the back of any equipment (also mixes great with red) or can lean heavily into faeries (mixes great with black). Blink also mixes well with green for both Blink and Emerge due to similar etbs and small bodies with big impactful costs to sacrifice to Emerge costs.

w-r Boros- Equipment (Sunforger bonus) + Burn

It's mostly aggro, but you can really take either slant. Boros has the burn to go over the top of some of the other sweet nonsense. The equipments all pack a punch, and there are a number of great equip targets and creatures that are great at avoiding the equip costs.

w-g Selesnya- Tokens/general go-wide

White/green is maybe the most one dimensional archetype in the cube, but also offers one of the only real combos in the cube. It is mostly trying to go wide with payoffs like Glare of Subdual.

u-b Dimir- Faeries + Flash (with slight reanimator)
UB is Faeries mainly, with some flash support. The faeries are there as flash threats while you hold up countermagic (fucking bullshit I know, but some people do genuinely enjoy playing magic this way). The Emerge archetype does come into play here as well. Ever cast a Mystical Teachings for Elder Deep Fiend?? Now you can!!

u-r Izzet- Madness + Flashback
This is the graveyard synergy and discard shenanigans drafters have come to enjoy for many years. Not much need to be explained, other than that these pair well with black for various flashback spells and madness spells. In many ways, URB is one archetype. Additionally, it can pair well with green since green has Wild Mongrel and Noose Constrictor for great discard and madness payoffs too.

u-g Simic- Madness + Emerge
As mentioned before, UG is mostly madness. But it also has Emerge. UG Madness is quite an aggressive deck, and can kill relatively quickly given the right draws or with good enough filtering. The Emerge archetype pairs well with defenders because they are sticky bodies that stay in play, so it often tends to be UGW, and you gain access to one of the best cards in the cube- Adipose Offering.

b-r Rakdos- Madness + Flashback
Heard this before? But unlike the UR counterparts, this tends to be quite aggressive, with some full-on hellbent payoffs too. The flashback version of the deck can be a bit grindier and play the long game, but the madness version of the deck, with its slight vampire synergies factoring into this as well.

b-g Golgari- Dredge + Spider Spawning
This pairs well with Blue, for obvious reasons. The three have a lot of similar pieces here that work well together. The main archetype is a general dredge deck, but has the full Spider Spawning loop for those who want to turbo search for infinite spawns. Go ham! The world is your oyster here.

r-g Gruul- Landfall + Ramp
Landfall and Ramp pair well with one another, but due to green's land fixing and the intentionally better fixing the Naya colors get, this often incorporates white for sort of a Naya landfall. Real OGs will go for domain aggro though. Some five-color ramp decks are definitely possible too, incorporating a wide range of tools to cast some of the most powerful cards in the cube.

Most of the three color archetypes have received some coverage already. But the mana fixing in this cube is quite good relative to most limited formats of similar power level, and this means lands are frequently amazing. Most decks want to be splashing something, maybe even domain payoffs. The three color archetypes that have the most support are as follows:

wug Bant Defenders-
This again is often combined with Emerge, but Arcades is the key card here. Arcades means you can very quickly snowball into an aggressive and insurmountable advantage.

ubr Grixis Flashback-
Kess, Dissident Mage is your friend! Overwhelm your opponent with value!

ubg Sultai Graveyard-
Brokkos, Apex of Forever heads this archetype. On-rate one of the best cards in the cube, this is just a nightmare for players to deal with because he does not stay dead as long as you have any non-humans in play.

wur Jeskai Sunforger-
The Jeskai Forger deck is weird. Basically, you're trying to use red's damage spells to damage Swans of Bryn Argoll and Boros Reckoner to draw tons of cards or outright kill your opponent. It's a weird combo deck, and takes a lot of finesse and some excellent drafting to pull off, but it is there for those who can put the pieces together.

wubrg And lastly, and definitely not least, is Five-Color!
Five-Color can actually be built two ways:

Elementals- Horde of Notions gets quite a bit of support in this cube. A surprising number of creatures are elementals, and you can build a nasty elemental deck that uses some great on-rate creatures across all five colors to assemble some sweet value engines. What those are and what elementals they include is up to the drafter!

Domain- There is a lot of domain support here, and with the full payoff can be some of the best cards here. Get your lands into play, then go ham casting haymakers and powerful, juiced up spells. A time-honored classic!

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