Welcome to the Triple-Sleeved Tempo Cube! While the name isn't snappy and was made up in a moment of panic, the card selection and matches will reward drafters with a tempo-heavy, back-and-forth experience.
This cube focuses on efficient, mostly-fair creatures and answers while enabling some of my all-time favorites to shine.
What to expect
- Interactive, in-depth, back-and-forth game play
- Low costing, efficient threats and answers
- Minor Energy
synergies throughout
- Minor kindred synergies (everyone loves this)
- An environment where Ragavan doesn't automatically win
What not to expect
- Fast mana
- Combos
- Power 9
- Griselbrand/Atraxa reanimator
- Tinker and other cheat effects
- A constantly up-to-date card list.
Cube Inspirations
The Bun Magic Cube, The Atomic Cube, Ryan Overturf's Tempo Twobert, the card Remand, and winning an Innistrad draft with Huntmaster of the Fells.
What You're Drafting
Spells Matter 

Play creatures that care about combat tricks, cast spells during combat, and beat people with the creatures that cared about the spells you cast during combat.

Small things that hit for large amounts very quickly; usually in the form of animals.

Hit the near top-end of this environment with repeatable and/or scalable threats.
+1/+1 Counters 

Smack your opponents in the face creatures that get bigger, but this time with +1/+1 counter synergies.
“Unearth” Reanimator 

Tiny reanimator and recurring threats. Also, bats!

Self-mill is the best mill. Play with the graveyard as your second hand and recur threats with a totally fair, functional reprint of Recurring Nightmare.

"No means no, especially when half your cards say 'no'." Team up with energy (not required) for a classic control archetype.

Didn't think it would come to this, but here we are. Thoracle/Lab-Man Jace assemble to produce the self-milling control strategy of your dreams. Quickly self-mill and draw cards to control match and win with either ability. You love to hate it.