The Anti-Cardboard Combat Cube
(180 Card Cube)
The Anti-Cardboard Combat Cube
Cube ID
Art by Chris RallisArt by Chris Rallis
180 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by JennyBeans
Mana Pool$433.91
My Goals

The things I am trying to accomplish with this cube are:

  • Push against the 2-for-1, cardboard theory of modern MTG
  • Encourage small games while ensuring they are fast and dynamic
  • Have most of the gameplay happen during the combat step
  • Make bluff attacks real. Are they holding up a combat trick, have a ninjutsu card, or just want to trigger raid? Or is the card in their hand a basic land?
  • See interesting combat interaction battles on the stack
My Design Restrictions
  • No way to gain card advantage (real or virtual) without attacking. Defined as cards in hand, cards playable from exile, or permanents on the battlefield. This means:
    • No clean 2-for-1s
    • No non-cantrip card draw
    • No cards that generate multiple permanents, except by attacking
  • No way to win except by attacking. This means:
    • No face burn
    • No mill
    • No alternate win conditions/infinite combos
  • No DFCs
What the colours want to do:
  • w Generate tokens on attack, build up with +1/+1 counters, play combat tricks
  • u Generate value by getting evasive creatures through, use countermagic to play a tempo plan, cheat out 5/5s by filling the graveyard with spells
  • b Punish opponents with bad blocks, trade low value creatures for high value, get value from raid
  • r Create swarms of goblins, trigger non-combat damage with Cavalcade of Calamity effects, trigger prowess
  • g Be the biggest thing on the board, curve out, go tall with +1/+1 counters
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