The things I am trying to accomplish with this cube are:
Push against the 2-for-1, cardboard theory of modern MTG
Encourage small games while ensuring they are fast and dynamic
Have most of the gameplay happen during the combat step
Make bluff attacks real. Are they holding up a combat trick, have a ninjutsu card, or just want to trigger raid? Or is the card in their hand a basic land?
See interesting combat interaction battles on the stack
My Design Restrictions
No way to gain card advantage (real or virtual) without attacking. Defined as cards in hand, cards playable from exile, or permanents on the battlefield. This means:
No clean 2-for-1s
No non-cantrip card draw
No cards that generate multiple permanents, except by attacking
No way to win except by attacking. This means:
No face burn
No mill
No alternate win conditions/infinite combos
What the colours want to do:
Generate tokens on attack, build up with +1/+1 counters, play combat tricks
Generate value by getting evasive creatures through, use countermagic to play a tempo plan, cheat out 5/5s by filling the graveyard with spells
Punish opponents with bad blocks, trade low value creatures for high value, get value from raid
Create swarms of goblins, trigger non-combat damage with Cavalcade of Calamity effects, trigger prowess
Be the biggest thing on the board, curve out, go tall with +1/+1 counters