Uncube - Universes Among
(360 Card Cube)
Uncube - Universes Among
Cube ID
Art by Randy Asplund-FaithArt by Randy Asplund-Faith
360 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube1 follower
Designed by jmsracer32
Mana Pool$1370.63

Magic the Parody
This cube might be titled vintage but this project that has been a work in progress since before Unstable was released and even has a card in it that is banned in vintage. There is a foreign card, being Descend upon the Sinful which when translated from the french version is Descend upon the Fisherman, I will also include any other errors in my rules list below. You can also find the history of this cube at www.cubetutor.com/cubeblog/105930.
The archetype are not your normal archetypes that you would find in any other cube, they are as follows;
WU: Where did it go?: Exiled Card Matter
WB: Subgames: Venture & Voting
WR: Keyword Soup: Double Strike, First Strike, Flying, Haste, and Vigilance Matter
WG: Legendary Tribal/Food
UB: Mind Flayers: Mind Control Effects
UR: RNG: Coin Flips and Dice
UG: The Word Counter: Counterspells and Counters that go on Permanents and Suspend Cards
BR: The Name Game: Cards that Care about Card Names
BG: Ramp-ant: Big Monsters + Wide Board States + Things that Won't Die
RG: X Marks the Spot: X in Costs Matter and things that are in eXcess.
There are also creature types that I have tried to highlight in each color, they are as follows;
W: Bird (Want to be Goat)
U: Homunculus (Small Mill Subtheme)
B: Zombie (Want to be Eye)
R: Goblin
G: Ape
Shaharazad: All cards in main game are considered in exile and can be targeted as such.
Serendib Efreet: Was printed with the wrong art and color when this version was printed.
Oboro Envoy: Card was printed without end of turn.
Impulse: Shuffle your library was not printed on the card.
Hyalopterous Lemure: The artist did not know that a Lemure was a type of spirit so they created a Lemur.
Spacegodzilla, Death Corona: Has been errata to Spacegodzilla, Void Invader for the events of Covid-19.
Floral Spuzzem: Printed as Floral Spuzzem decides.
Hostage Taker: Printed without another.
Corpse Knight: Is a 2/3 as printed, the actual card is a 2/2.
Marath, Will of the Wild: Card was printed without X can't be 0.

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