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Artificer Commander Draft
(482 Card Cube)
Artificer Commander Draft
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
482 Card Commander Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by TheReaper121
Mana Pool$1642.64

Welcome the Age of Tomorrow! You are the Artificer!

Artifact Commander Cube

  1. Starting with the player that rolls the highest, each draft commanders out of the designated Legendary Creature Pack (8 legends per pack)

  2. Each commander has an option to start with a Mystic Piper in the command zone in addition to the commander they chose (Note: Choosing partner commanders negates this ability)

  3. Starting with the player that chose first, distribute 20 card "packs" from card pool. Pick 2 cards and pass to the right of you.

  4. Each player should have 120 cards in their pool for the commander they chose.

  5. Outside of basics, Each player is offered specific artifact lands for their color combination. Other Non Basics will be in the draft.

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