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<3 mv Cube
(540 Card Cube)
<3 mv Cube
Cube ID
Art by Jason RainvilleArt by Jason Rainville
540 Card Cube19 followers
Designed by Ramnie
Mana Pool$3177.69

The Less than Three Mana Value Cube, also known as the <3 mv Cube (patent pending), was designed in order to create an environment that powerful cards at lower costs will be able to shine, as well as explore the depth of cards that care about mana value, such as Inquisition of Kozilek, Fatal Push, and Drown in the Loch. As the environment has evolved over the years, it has allowed us to explore the wide range of potential mana bases that can function in a 40 card deck. Whether you are looking to play 12 land red deck wins or 18 land blue black no win condition control, this environment has the cards to support it all.

On top of an exploration of low mana value cards, the cube has an abundance of minor themes. For example, there is an emphasis on obtaining value through your lands from an abundance of man lands, a heavy artifact theme to support traditional arcbound ravager affinity as well as hardened scales, as well as a few snow-matters cards backed up by a full set of snow-covered basics.

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