Cloned from Old Frame Peasantry
Fourth Edition - Scourge
Draft three 16 card packs, or four 12 card packs.
Each pack contains a random Mirage slow fetchland or an Invasion tapland.
Intended for play with the 6th Edition game rules so damage stacks, etc.
Built around original rarity with the exception of Savannah Lions.
Removed most boardwipe equivalents under four cmc.
Trimmed the iconic price/power outliers (Lightning Bolt, Land Tax, Hymn to Tourach, Reanimate, Control Magic, Swords to Plowshares, Lotus Petal, Sylvan Library, Force of Will, Ancient Tomb, Mirage Tutors, etc.)
The Multicolored section of my Maybeboard represents a "rare module" inspired by the Lucky Paper Radio podcast. I selected some recognizable buildaround rares that I think would be fun to add to the draft on occasion. I limited these cards to mono-colored rares priced at or under 10 bucks, and nothing with more than two colored pips in the casting cost (so they can theoretically slot in to a broad number of decks.) The total rares in this module is the total number of rares you would receive in a booster pack pool of 360 cards, so that's kinda cool, too.